Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ecological Footprint Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ecological Footprint - Essay Example My final score was 4.69 earths. This score means that if every single individual on the earth’s surface lived my lifestyle, up to 4.69 earths would be required to sustain that lifestyle. By category, I scored 38.34 on carbon footprint, 65.74 on food footprint, 34.18 on housing footprint, and 43.68 on goods and services footprint ( The surprising aspect with the test is that the pressure I exert on the environment is so massive that it would take more than four earths for the human population to live my lifestyle. In order to reduce my ecological footprint, it is essential that I adopt measures to ensure that I recycle what can be recycled. Personally, I have not embraced recycling to a greater extent, but it seems to an important step towards working on a reduced ecological footprint. Also, my food, transport, and housing lifestyle need to be redesigned in order to make it environmental friendly. In so doing, my ecological footprint can reduce and ease pressure on natural capital, thereby enhancing ecological regeneration (Spoolman and Tyler 237). To others, I would still suggest recycling as a fundamental factor in the reduction of ecological footprint. In order to make the process more functional, I would suggest the use of cleaner and healthier means of transport. This is not forgetting the advocacy to save energy and water, going local in terms of food, choosing green housing designs, and ultimately recycling and using recycled products. Consumption level among other variables directly influence ecological footprint (Spoolman and Tyler 281). Changes in consumption levels can either reduce or increase the ecological footprint depending on the activities involved and the lifestyle observed. For instance, eating local and organic foods work towards reducing food footprint. The same trend can be realized from shopping locally and preferring low mileage foods. For goods and services,

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Finance and Growth Strategies -MBA- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Finance and Growth Strategies -MBA- - Essay Example In a market where there is faultless information and perfect sureness, company share valuation would create not so many hassles, however, in the real world, assessment and projection issues connive to make the valuation process easier said than done. One recommendation is the employment of earnings approaches that take advantage of a firm’s net after-tax earnings at a suitable rate of return. In utilising an earnings-based method, at least three elements need to be established. The evaluator has to make an educated guess as to the amount and timing of future receipts and a suitable discount rate. An option to the employment of net after-tax earnings is to base the analysis on earnings before interest and taxes (Feldman 2005; Pratt, Reilly and Schweits 2000; Pratt 1986). This procedure is fashionable and well accepted among leverage buyout groups and investors because it permits them to reach a value that defuse differences in financial structure. Essentially, substantial debate enfolds the choice of the discount rate used to get the most out of earnings or cash flows. This price stands for both the time value of money and the â€Å"risk† involved in cash flows. As it is, the capital asset pricing model is a universally employed method. Nonetheless, speculative issues linked to the postulations of the appropriate market proxy, risk-free rate, and sample period have led valuation experts to reflect on different ways to work out an appropriate discount rate. Substitutes can include the application of historical market risk premiums and the employment of indices available from government or private sources (Koeplin, Sarin and Shapiro 2000, pp. 94-101; Brealey and Myers 1991; Weiss 1987). Several valuation schemes acknowledge the fact that when purchasing a business enterprise, a buyer is actually making a speculative venture today hoping for